A unique, supportive space for moms of children on the autism spectrum.

The Autism for Badass Moms Inquiry Form
Are you an Autism Mom? Do you feel that your story would bring immense value to others? Are you looking for practical strategies to manage stress and navigate life's challenges?
The Autism for Badass Moms Podcast launched in September 2023, hosted by Rashidah Cartwright, an Autism Mom and therapist in mental health and substance use disorders. This podcast aims to provide invaluable insights and practical strategies to manage stress and improve overall mental health. We are excited to invite you to be a part of our podcast.​
We are currently seeking exceptional guests who have a child on the Autism Spectrum. We want you to share your knowledge and stories with our audience.
Join Rashidah Cartwright as she delves deep into discussions about the range of emotions experienced by autism moms, navigating relationships, balancing self-care, the struggle with acceptance, and exploring feelings of "not being a good enough mom."
This podcast will serve as a platform for sharing experiences, victories, building self-confidence, resilience, and developing control over life's narrative. By featuring on The Autism for Badass Moms Podcast, you'll have the opportunity to reach thousands of autism moms seeking guidance and motivation.
Don't miss out on being part of this exciting venture! To express your interest in becoming a guest on The Autism for Badass Moms Podcast, simply complete the contact form below.
The show will be delivered in 45-60 minute episodes that will be streamed on multiple social media platforms, including, wherever you listen to your favorite Podcast(s).
So why wait? Join us in empowering individuals worldwide with practical advice and inspiration they need to become a Badass Autism Mom!
We look forward to hearing from you!